This course is an introduction to understanding the usage and implementation of the artificial intelligence solutions within health care settings and medicine. The practice of medicine has evolved as well as the torrent of the data, thus providing the opportunities to modify the current approaches in various dimensions, such as healthcare and medicine management, clinical practice and patients’ experiences. The Global strategy on digital health development relies greatly on new technologies implementation in reducing costs, preserving the quality of care and overcoming inequalities, ensuring better health and patient outcomes. Artificial intelligence proves to be one of the most promising domains. At the same time, the hype around the concept provided the avalanche of potential technical solutions, however, without proper attention to the stakeholder analysis, ethics and bioethics involved. Needless to say, AI has turned and has already outlined its development as a social phenomenon with wide social, cultural, economic and political conditions by which it is shaped.
We are going to have a look at the major concepts of AI in relation to health care settings, starting from discussing dreams and past expectations that have certain influence on our present. We will outline the ways the AI is transforming health and healthcare, and focus on the most recent approaches to care, having as the basis the understanding how digitalization has already contributed to the field. We will analyze the potential benefits of AI technologies and pay attention to the unintended consequences within the frames of the medicalization, ethics and trust. We will be able to find the frameworks for analysis of AI implementation in the field in terms of its potential prospects and limitations.
Курс по искусственному интеллекту
Факультет государственного управления
Шуваловский корпус, ауд. В-4
Среда 17:00–18:30
Аудиторная [ч]: 24
Самостоятельная [ч]: 12
Осенний семестр 2022/2023 учебного года
Записалось / всего мест
94 / 100