Искусственный интеллект в сфере здоровья: оптика социологии медицины (на английском языке)
Факультет государственного управления

Artificial intelligence’s(AI) fast development is marked by the search for the implementation of the technology for the benefit of human health in every respect: for the patients, doctors and institutions. Undivided attention to the field of health requires the basic knowledge of the major concepts and approaches, that might result in a more efficient comprehension for the developers, users and decision-takers. Medical sociology provides approaches to explanations of how the health-related phenomena work in the empirical world. Medical sociology is the most important sphere for understanding health and disease. Ideas on the social construction of health are essential for elaborating the clear view on the approaches to human concepts of health, health behaviour and expectations.

This course suggests approaches to understanding the implementation of the AI solutions in health ranging from the understanding of AI as technology to the social construction of health. The latter demonstrates that the solutions suggested by the technologies should have a sound foundation with understanding of the reason, principles and consequences.The course provides a strong background for the evaluation of AI technologies in health, explains the current trends and limitations of the field. Medical sociology provides explanations for health inequalities, health risk perceptions and requirement to the health care professionals, along with the solutions to the emerging issues with modification of the concept of health.

Курс по искусственному интеллекту

Факультет государственного управления



Яковлева Ирина Викторовна (старший преподаватель)

Шуваловский, ауд. В-5

Среда 15:10–16:40

Аудиторная [ч]: 24
Самостоятельная [ч]: 12

Весенний семестр 2024/2025 учебного года

Записалось / всего мест
150 / 150