Artificial intelligence(AI) is accelerating and it has already demonstrated a huge impact on healthcare with more promises to come.
This course suggests approaches to understanding the usage and implementation of the AI solutions in health sciences and medicine. AI solutions for patients and clinicians require a Human-centered approach that encompasses not only explainability of the technology, but also its evaluation frameworks. The course explores the multimodal perception of the technologies. Apart from already expected and discussed interpretability, fairness, and generalizability, the human-centered AI is supposed to focus on meeting human needs, respecting human values and experiences. The course provides strong background for the evaluation of AI technologies in medicine, explains the current trends in the field of terms that result in various approaches to implementation. The limitations of the technologies are also discussed. Of particular interest is the type of decision taking in medicine with focus on the capabilities of machines and humans, the frameworks for evaluation AI opportunities. We will analyses the components of trust and trust calibration.
Курс по искусственному интеллекту
Факультет государственного управления
Шуваловский, ауд. В-3
Среда 15:10–16:40
Аудиторная [ч]: 24
Самостоятельная [ч]: 12
Осенний семестр 2024/2025 учебного года
Записалось / всего мест
272 / 250