Искусственный интеллект в здравоохранении: вопросы коммуникации (на английском языке)
Факультет государственного управления

This course is an introduction to understanding the usage and implementation of the artificial intelligence solutions within health care settings. Covid-19 pandemic has shown that the majority of the health care systems in different countries face the same issues: the shortage of resources and the increase in needs of the patients. The Global strategy on digital health development relies greatly on new technologies implementation in reducing costs, preserving the quality of care and overcoming inequalities, ensuring better health and patient outcomes. Artificial intelligence proves to be one of the most promising domains.

At the same time, the hype around the concept provided the issues of communication. Surprisingly, they happened to stem even from the terms ‘intelligence’ and ‘learning’ that are increasingly used in the field. Such issues set certain barriers not only to correct evaluation of the potential of AI technologies in our daily lives, but also in health care settings implementation. We are going to have a look at the major concepts of AI in relation to health care settings, starting from discussing dreams and past expectations that have certain influence on our present. We will outline the ways the AI is transforming health and healthcare, and focus on the most recent approaches to care. We will analyze the potential benefits of AI technologies and pay attention to the unintended consequences.

As far as digital technologies and AI applications in particular are going to transform the whole ecosystem of healthcare, as well as patient-provider relationship, we would explore the issue of trust that is central to communication in the 21st century.


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12 октября 2021
Зачет по МФК состоится 22 декабря 2021 г.
17 декабря 2021

Online-курс  Курс по искусственному интеллекту

Факультет государственного управления



Яковлева Ирина Викторовна (старший преподаватель)

онлайн-курс, ауд. -

Среда 15:10–16:40

Аудиторная [ч]: 24
Самостоятельная [ч]: 12

Осенний семестр 2021/2022 учебного года

Записалось / всего мест
50 / 50